writing (2 bac)
Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and
alsosomething less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge,
goodjudgement and wisdom. Education has as
one of its fundamental goals theimparting of culture from generation to
generation (see socialization). Education means 'to draw out', facilitating
realisation of self-potential andlatent talents of an individual. It is an
application of pedagogy, a body oftheoretical and applied research relating to
teaching and learning and draws onmany disciplines such as psychology,
philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and
The education of an individualhuman begins at birth and continues
throughout life. (Some believe thateducation begins even before birth, as
evidenced by some parents' playing musicor reading to the baby in the womb in
the hope it will influence the child'sdevelopment.) For some, the struggles and
triumphs of daily life provide farmore instruction than does formal schooling
(thus Albert Einstein's admonitionto "never let school interfere with your
education"). Family members may have aprofound educational effect — often
more profound than they realize — thoughfamily teaching may function very
World science is dominated today by a small number of
languages, but Englishwhich is probably is the most popular global language of
science and of moderntechnology that because many reason: first it is
international language and themajority of country used it as their home
language, In addition to that you canunderstand what happen in the world, in
the other hand you can understand thenew technology, moreover we see that the
people that speak more than twolanguage have a chance to get a better job than
the other people who can speakjust one. And also it is very important to
student who want finish their Hightstudy in university.
Finally English will become more important in the futureand more using
in all things
Dropping from school=مشكل
The fact that student drop off from school is
a serious problemsthat hinders the progress of student first and then the level
of nationaleducation .
Most of students who drop off from school are poor, they speaktheir
incapability of supplying, their parents obliged them to drop off from andlook
for a job to help the family .
Other reason may be attributed to the students indifference .those
students who stop going to school are villagers because they don’t
attendclasses doing some agricultural work instead.
Other ex-students attest that leaving school is not an idea thatcomes
at random but as a reaction to the dissatisfaction resulted by those whohave
attained their degrees but gained no work after .
The government must do some serious attempts so that students cankeep
up with their studies no matter what circumstances are .Also it should setplan
to improve the educational system to most attainable one that open mindsand
Spanish officials estimate that about 1.000 people have
downedattempting to enter Europe by crossing the 10-mile wide strait of
Gibraltar inthe past six years , Spanish officials say that morocco is
tolerating the exitof small boats .
In 1996. several hundred illegal immigrants .most Moroccans werepicked
up by the police and coast guard on the southern shores of
On February, the interior ministers of morocco and Italy signed
aconvention to cooperate in the fight against drug smuggling and illegalimmigration
the Italian interior minister said that a lot of Moroccans livelegally in Italy
.the largest foreign community in the country.
Hand in hand between
right of women =حق المرأة
Nowadays we take it for
granted that womenhave the same rights
as men before the first world war few people believedthis.
As far as work was concerned there were jobs wich were regarded
aswomen`s jobs and other wiche were regarded as men`s jobs. Women`s jobs
weregenerally lower paid as men`s. Men did almost all the heavy jobs in
industry orin transport.
Women had jobs like dress-making,cleanning or worked asservants.
Women`s main role was as being to raise childeren and look fortheir
home. Women were not expected to take position of leaderschip. Women werenot
even allowed to vote in elections.
Before the war some women had beenstruggling to achieve greater
equality with men. The most famous of these hadbeen the suffragettes who
stagged a violent campaign against the govervment from 1905 to 1914 trying to
achieve the right to vote.however, at the outbreak ofwar, the were still no
near to success. Many men argued that women were unsuitedto such responsibility
that women could not be trusted to vote sensibly thatwomen should not concern
themselves with such male activities andvoting.
During the war many things changed.
Human Rights=حقوق
The concept of human rights has existed under several names inEuropean
thought for many centuries at least since the time of king john ofEngland.
The political and religious tradition in order parts of the wordalso
proclaimed what have come to be called human rights calling on rules torule
justly and compassionately and delineating limits on theircitizens.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in
In the late 1700, two revolutions occurred which drew heavily onthis
concept in 1776, most of the British colonies in North America proclaimedtheir
independence from the
browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to
display inline frames. air pollution=ثلوت
air pollution can effect
our health in many ways with a bothshort-term effects different groups of individuals
are effected by air pollutionin different ways .some individualsare much more
sensitive to pollutants thanare others. young children and elderly people after
suffer môre from effects ofair pollution.poeple with health problems such
asthma .heart and lung diseasemay olso suffer more when the air is poolluted
the extent to wich in individualis harmed by air pollution usualy depends on
the total to the damaging chimicalsi.e the duration of exposure and the
concentration of the chimicals must betaken into account..this s the end of
pragraph i wish to benefit itok.
When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and
smokepretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over
theplace. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health.
Smokingis restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette
companies areno longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV,
and in manymagazines.
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, andheart
disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that thehabit
can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So Urbanization=التمدين
Urbanization refers to a process in which an increasingproportion of
entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities, thisphenomenon has
been closely connected with industrialization .
By the end of this decade, more than half of the world’spopulation will
live in cities making humanity a predominantly urban species forthe first time
in Its history .
When more and more inanimate sources of energy were used in toenhance
human productivity .surpluses increased economical fields
Such as industry. Then the larger and larger proportions ofpopulation
could live in cities.
Economic forces were such that cities became the ideal places tolocate
factories and their workers , urbanization is a serious problem that willspoil
the natural world in due course .there will be no country-sides and nogreen
places to feel the first endowed natural beauty of this world .
Life in the countryside
Many people believe that life in the countryside is
mush betterthan in the city ,well they are wrong , living in the countryside is
reallydifficult ,going out at night , for instance , is useless since there is
nowhereto go to enjoy oneself, another thing is that when a person falls sick
it isdifficult to find an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital .anothermisconception
is about pollution , the countryside is not wholly clean , the airwe breathe is
not as fresh as people think ,many houses are not connected to themain sewage
,and do you know that many factories exist in many villages
how come people arestill lig
Poverty is becoming a serious problems for many countries , itaffects
the whole society and delays the development of the country .
Poor families very often have health problems , because they havelot of
children , parents are unable to provide medicine for them ,also theycant send
them to school since schooling is expensive , they send them insteadto work and
bring them money , so when members of society are unhealthy orilliterate this
affect the development of the country .
Poverty is a serious problem, an enemy that government shouldfight by
trying to make all members of society benefit from the resources oftheir
country and work for its development
Parents-children relationship
العلاقة بين الآباء والأمهات الاطفال
Parents-children relationship differ from one family
to another. While some parents complain that their children don’t listen to
them anymore, children on the other hand complain that their parents don’t
understand them anylonger .
My relationship with my parents is a good one , I respect themand
understand them, the allow me to choose my friends my cloths to travel aloneand
to invite friends home, however , they are very strict when it comes to
myhomework or staying late out late at night .
To have a good parents-relationship is very easy thing if bothparents
and children make efforts to create such a kind of relationsTerrorism=الارهاب
Terrorism is a term used to describe violence or other harmful acts.
Terrorism expert Walter Laqueur in 1999 has counted over 100 definitions
andconcludes that the "only general characteristic generally agreed upon
is thatterrorism involves violence and the threat of violence". Most
definitions ofterrorism include only those acts which are intended to create
fear or "terror", are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed
to a "madman" attack), anddeliberately target
As a form of unconventional warfare, terrorism is sometimes used when
attempting to force political change by: convincing a government or population
to agree to demands to avoid future harmor fear of harm, destabilization of an
existing government, motivating adisgruntled population to join an uprising,
escalating a conflict in the hopesof disrupting the status quo, expressing a
grievance, or drawing attention to acause.
The terms "terrorism" and "terrorist" (someone who
engages interrorism) carry a strong negative connotation. These terms are often
used aspolitical labels to condemn violence or threat of violence by certain
actors asimmoral, indiscriminate, or unjustified. Those labeled
"terrorists" rarelyidentify themselves as such, and typically use other
generic terms or termsspecific to their situation, such as: separatist, freedom
fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary,
guerrilla, rebel, jihadi ormujaheddin, or fedayeen, or any similar-meaning word
in otherlanguages.
Terrorism has been used by a broad array of politicalorganizations in
furthering their objectives; both right-wing and left-wingpolitical parties,
nationalistic, and religious groups, revolutionaries andruling governments.[1]
The presence of non-state actors in widespread armedconflict has created
controversy regarding the application of the laws ofwar.
An International Roundtable on Constructing Peace, Deconstructing
Terror (2004) hosted by Strategic Foresight Group recommended that a
distinction shouldbe made between terrorism and acts of terror. While acts of
terror are criminalacts as per the United Nations Security Council Resolution
1373 and domesticjurisprudence of almost all countries in the world, terrorism
refers to aphenomenon including acts, perpetrators of acts of terror and
motives of theperpetrators. There is a disagreement on definition of terrorism.
However, thereis an intellectual consensus globally that acts of terror should
not be acceptedunder any circumstances. This is reflected in all important conventionsincluding
the United Nations counter terrorism strategy, outcome of the MadridConference
on terrorism and outcome of the Strategic Foresight Group and ALDEroundtables
at the EuropeanParliament
Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one
raceis superior to another. Racism may be expressed individually and
consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and
unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequality between races.
In the 19thcentury many legitimized racist beliefs and practices
through scientifictheories about biological differences among races. Today,
most scientists haverejected the biological basis of race or the validity of
"race" as a scientificconcept. Racism, then, becomes discrimination
based on alleged race. Raciststhemselves usually do believe that humans are
divided into different races.
There are two main definitions of racism today. One of them states
thatracism is dicrimination based on alleged race, the other - newer - one
statesthat racism has started to include also discrimination based on religion
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network
ofinterconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching
usingthe standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of
networks" that consistsof millions of smaller domestic, academic,
business, and government networks, which together carry various information and
services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the
interlinked web pages and other documents ofthe world wide web.
The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States tocreate the
Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 toregain a
technological lead.[1][2] ARPA created the Information ProcessingTechnology
Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic GroundEnvironment
(SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systemstogether for the
first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal
networking as a potential unifying humanrevolution.
Licklider had moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory atHarvard
University to MIT in 1950, after becoming interested in informationtechnology.
At MIT, he served on a committee that established
At the IPTO, Licklider recruited LawrenceRoberts to head a project to
implement a network, and Roberts based thetechnology on the work of Paul Baran
who had written an exhaustive study for theU.S. Air Force that recommended
packet switching (as opposed to circuitswitching) to make a network highly
robust and survivable. After much work, thefirst node went live at UCLA on
October 29, 1969 on what would be called theARPANET, one of the "eve"
networks of today's Internet. Following on from this, the British Post Office,
The firstTCP/IP-wide area network was operational by January 1, 1983,
when the UnitedStates' National Science Foundation (NSF) constructed a
university networkbackbone that would later become the NSFNet.
It was then followed by theopening of the network to commercial
interests in 1985. Important, separatenetworks that offered gateways into, then
later merged with, the NSFNet includeUsenet, BITNET and the various commercial
and educational networks, such asX.25, Compuserve and JANET. Telenet (later
called Sprintnet) was a largeprivately-funded national computer network with
free dial-up access in citiesthroughout the
A revolution (from Late Latin revolutio which
means "a turnaround") is a significant change that usually
occurs in a relatively shortperiod of time. Variously defined revolutions have
been happening throughouthuman history. They vary in terms of numbers of their
participants (revolutionaries), means employed by them, duration, motivating
ideology andmany other aspects. They may result in a socio-political change in
thesocio-political institutions, or a major change in a culture or economy.
Scholarly debates about what is and what is not a revolution center
aroundseveral issues. Early study of revolutions primarily analyzed events in
Europeanhistory from psychological perspective[citation needed], soon however
newtheories were offered using explanations for more global events and using
worksfrom other social Traffic
مشاكل المرور
There are many dangers when driving in a big city , traffic jams, road
rage, car jacking drive-by- shootings ,smash-and-grabs , accidents orpurpose
ambulance chasers , corrupt police , touring ,companies that can grabyour car
in ten seconds .the list goes on.
Traffic jams are caused by drivers who tailgate and try to drivefaster
than the flow of traffic , when drivers merge at the last second , theyhave to
step on their brakes , and that causes the tailgaters behind them tostep on
their brakes , roads rage occurs when someone loses self-control , somedriver
is going too fast , this causes a clash , there are many reasons behindthe
traffic jams problem.
The latter can also be attributed to the road code, violation , speed
and carelessness , other reasons such as natural factors are involved ,snow ,
obscurity, and rain are most of them , one other cause is the
poorinfra-structure .
Understanding these very real dangers will help you learn how toavoid
or prevent traffic problems .drivers should drive safely and learn tomaintain
self-control , the driver should be a street-wise so that he can takethe
?Television has became part of our every day life
.what are its advantagesand disadvantages
On the one hand, TV has became the most influential meansof the mass
media because it has both sound and picture .it's also the mostpopular source
of information education and international , in brief TV bringsthe whole word
to us.
One the other hand TV develops passive and lazy viewers .it also
prevents communication between the members of the family besidesstudents don't
their homwork and may became aggressive when they watch films
ofviolencesciences such as sociologrculturehiphtingup! war =الحرب
WAR is one of the wost crime that pople have
ever made to the humanity. that's why we should know why some ediot poeple
can't stand leaving in peacebecuase
the best thing that can draw the smile on every one's face is thepeace.
but in reality we have a deferent image to the world, we see that no onewant to
respect the right of other or want's to enslave poeple or take thereweals, and
they make some silly reasons to get what they want exactly like whathappend to
our brothers in iraq.
war also creat a very bad destarctionand ruin in everywhere.
and from the main point we can say that poepl instean of burning world
they have to to learn how to leave in peace and creat thehappiness instead of
hate andkilling.
Working children=عمل
Child labour is one of the problems that
countries face, thereare various causes that drive children to
work some of them drop out of schoolin order to help their poor or sick parents
others have to work because they areorphans. In addiction some parents are
ignorant they think education is a wasteof time.
Working children face a tough life; in factories and mines theywork in
bad conditions no fresh air, long hours they may be injured by machinesthey are
also deprived of education and childhood
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